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#Youdao translation

official website application address

Quota information As time goes by, the official website may change, this is for reference only, please refer to the official documents for details

Youdao Translate - Official Document - Billing Overview

TypeFree quotaPrice beyond free quotaNumber of simultaneous translations per second
Universal versionNew user registration will give you 50 RMB trial bonus50 RMB/1 million characters50 times/second
Professional versionNew user registration will give you 50 RMB trial bonus60 RMB/1 million characters50 times/second

The difference between the two types:

Standard version: suitable for text translation in multiple fields and all scenarios

Professional version: Accumulate tens of millions of bilingual corpora and millions of bilingual terms in professional fields in e-commerce, social networking, medical, and financial fields, and launch professional translation engines in 4 vertical fields.

1. Register or log in

First click on the official website application address above to enter

If you already have an account, choose to log in, if not, register.

2. Create an application

Enter the application creation page

After entering the creation page, click Create Application

Fill in the application name, you can customize it, I filled in TTime here

In the Select Service column, select Text Translate, Speech Synthesis (it is recommended to check the speech synthesis here first. Needless to say, Youdao Translate will provide its own American and British pronunciation methods. You can only use it after checking it. However, you need to Note that playback is also charged separately)

Select API for access method

You can choose the application type at will. I chose Utility here.

Finally click OK

After creation, you will jump to this page, just copy the key information.

Now that the key is generated, directly copy the key information to open the settings page of TTime, select the corresponding translation source and fill in the key information.

If you don’t know how to configure it in the TTime settings page, please read this article TTime Set Translate Source

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