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#Tencent cloud text recognition

official website application address

Quota information As time goes by, the official website may change, this is for reference only, please refer to the official documents for details

Tencent Cloud Text Recognition - Official Document - Billing Overview

TypeFree quotaPrice beyond free quotaNumber of simultaneous translations per second
Universal print recognitionFree 1,000 times per month0.15 RMB/time


If you have already applied for the translation source of Tencent Translate, you do not need to create it again. You can reuse the previous user and add permissions based on it -> Jump to view

1. Register or log in

First click on the official website application address above to enter

If you already have an account, choose to log in, if not, register.

2.Personal certification

Tencent Cloud text recognition requires personal authentication before operation

1. Enter the real name page

After logging in, click here to enter the real-name authentication page Jump to the real-name authentication page

2. Fill in the certification information

On the "Fill in basic information" page, fill in your real name, certificate type, certificate number, secure mobile phone, mobile phone verification code, industry information and mailing address, and click Next.

In the pop-up prompt box, check the personal information and click OK.

3. WeChat code scanning authentication

For the Authentication method, select WeChat code scan, open the WeChat mobile phone bound with the bank card, and scan the mini program code on the page.

On mobile WeChat, click Go to Authorize.

Confirm that the submitted real-name information is consistent with the current WeChat Pay real-name reservation information, check that you have read and agreed to the "WeChat Pay User Authorization Agreement", click Authorize, and the real-name authentication is completed if the verification is successful.

3. Activate Tencent Cloud text recognition

Click here to jump to the activation page

Enter this page and click Apply Now

4. Get the key

There are two ways to obtain the key: Get the key with the main account and Get the key with the sub-account

The difference between main account and sub-account

The main account can obtain the key more quickly and can be activated directly. However, after the key is activated, it will have the authority to operate other Tencent Cloud resources.

To obtain the key for a sub-account, you need to open the sub-account first, set permissions, and then activate it. Compared with the main account, it is more troublesome, but it is also safer.

How to open the main account

Click here to jump to the key page

After entering the page, click New Key

Key information will be generated after creation

Now that the key is generated, directly copy the key information to open the settings page of TTime, select the corresponding translation source and fill in the key information.

If you don’t know how to configure it in the TTime settings page, please read this article TTime Set Translate Source

How to open a sub-account

Click to jump to the sub-account opening page

Click above to enter the Sub-account activation page, then click New user

Select custom creation

Type selection Access resources and receive messages

Fill in the user name. The user name can be customized. If you don’t know, you can follow my default ttime.

Then check the access method Programmatic Access

Click Next

Search for ocr in the search box on the right, and then check the options in the circle below

The main purpose here is to allocate permissions to enable Tencent Cloud Text Recognition for sub-accounts.

You don’t need to fill in the label, just go to the next step.

Confirm the information and just go to the next step.

Key information will be generated after completion

Now that the key is generated, directly copy the key information to open the settings page of TTime, select the corresponding translation source and fill in the key information.

If you don’t know how to configure it in the TTime settings page, please read this article TTime Set Translate Source

Supplementary permissions

If you have already applied for Tencent Cloud's translation source, you do not need to create it again. You can reuse the previous user and add permissions based on it.

Click here to jump to the user management page

After entering the page, select the previously created account and click to enter.

After entering, click Association Strategy

Select Select policy association from policy list

Search for ocr in the search box on the right, and then check the option in the circle below to assign the sub-account the permission to activate Tencent Cloud Text Recognition

Finally, just OK. The secret key is still the same as the translation source.

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