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Alibaba Translate

Official website application address

Quota information The official website may change over time. This is for reference only. Please refer to the official document for details

Alibaba Cloud Translate - Official Document - Billing Overview

TypeFree QuotaPrice Exceeding Free QuotaNumber of simultaneous translations per second
General Edition1 million characters free per month50 RMB/1 million characters50 times/seconds
Professional Edition1 million characters free per month60 RMB/1 million characters50 times / seconds

Differences between the two types:

Standard version: Applicable to text translation in multiple fields and all scenarios

Professional version: Accumulated tens of millions of bilingual corpora and millions of professional bilingual terms in e-commerce, social, medical, and financial fields, and launched professional translation engines in four vertical fields

1. Register or log in

First click on the official website application address above to enter

If you already have an account, choose to log in, if not, register

2. Activate translation

Enter the activation page

After entering the activation page, click Activate Now

Select Universal version translation engine -> Activate now

Activate now

At this point, even if the activation is completed

3. Get the key

There are two ways to obtain the key: Get the key with the main account and Get the key with the sub-account

The difference between main account and sub-account

The main account can obtain the key more quickly and can be activated directly. However, after the key is activated, it will have the authority to operate other Tencent Cloud resources.

To obtain the key for a sub-account, you need to open the sub-account first, set permissions, and then activate it. Compared with the main account, it is more troublesome, but it is also safer.

How to open the main account

Click to jump to the main account activation page

After entering the page, select Continue using AccessKey

After entering the page, click Create AccessKey

Key information will be generated after creation

Now that the key is generated, directly copy the key information to open the settings page of TTime, select the corresponding translation source and fill in the key information.

If you don’t know how to configure it in the TTime settings page, please read this article TTime settings translation source

How to open a sub-account

Click to jump to the sub-account opening page

Click Start using subuser AccessKey

Click above to enter the sub-account opening page and click Create User

Fill in the user name. The user name can be customized. If you don’t know, you can follow my default ttime.

Then check the access method OpenAPI call access

Click OK

After creation, it will automatically jump to the following page

At this time, follow the Step 1 in the figure to first copy out the AccessKey ID and AccessKey Secret, which are the key information of the sub-account.

Then jump to the Set Permissions Page according to the Step 2 operation.

After the operation is completed, enter the following Set Permissions Page

Select Permission Management and click Add Authorization

As shown in the picture, enter translate in the input box for selecting permissions to search for the permissions for translation.

Then select the permissions for translation, and click OK after selecting. At this step, the permissions are also set.

Now that the key is generated, directly copy the key information to open the settings page of TTime, select the corresponding translation source and fill in the key information.

If you don’t know how to configure it in the TTime settings page, please read this article TTime Set Translate Source

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